Monday, September 8, 2014


As school and autumn have gotten into full swing, I've sensed myself getting more and more ornery. I blamed schoolwork, other people, my job. Never for a moment, until today, did I stop to consider that maybe my emotional state was connected to my spiritual walk. Revolutionary, I know. This is a constant cycle for me, whenever my relationship with Christ falls off my priority list, my emotions take a nosedive. 
The amazing thing is, even when I forget to write in my prayer journal in the morning or neglect worship sessions for daydreaming, God never fails to meet my needs. Days of depression or anxiety are met with unexpected encouragements and good conversations. Joy will embrace me when I'm angry and confused.
So to anyone who feels like giving up or "just can't even" today, take a step back to look at your spiritual life. A moment with God will help more than a cup of coffee or a nap ever could.